Okay so today I arrived home at around 6:00pm after being stuck in traffic for two and a half hours! Only to find something that would change my life…
An email from Entirely Kiwi saying that I have qualified into the top 10 finalists ARRGGGH! It was the best news I had heard all day and I went from being stuck in traffic to being on cloud nine! I started screaming my head off, mum thought someone was robbing the house, my step dad thought I was insane but I just couldn’t control my excitement!
So now that my video application has pulled me through to the top 10 (which you can view below), Its up to you guys to get me into the top 3! And when I say its up to you guys I MEAN IT! The 3 candidates who have the highest number of followers on their blog will progress through to the next round.
So steps for you guys to follow in order to help me get the highest number of followers:
1) Click FOLLOW this blog
2) Send an invitation to follow this blog to all your msn, myspace, facebook, twitter and email contacts!
3) Then tell them to send an invitation to all their contacts and so on.
A word of warning from Entirely Kiwi: Any candidate found with followers who are not genuine (ie. friends with multiple accounts! ) will be automatically eliminated. SO PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU ONLY BECOME A FOLLOWER ONCE!